I am accepting 2 students for Rally Competition Training Spring '25
I am accepting 2 students for Rally Competition Training Spring '25
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I am currently accepting 2 students for Rally Novice Competition Training - Spring of 2025.
If you are looking for clear, concise instruction that prepares your team from check in to completion, a team that ranks in the ribbons, I can get you there.
Training is one on one.
A new course is laid out each time we meet.
Training is proofed and proofed again.
Sessions are video taped for study material.
We work on the minutia, those things that cost meddlesome points and time.
We work on precision.
We build a happy and winning TEAM.
We cut out the noise and focus on the goals.
References and proof of success are available for the asking.
This program is also available to those not local - sessions are done via FaceTime and reinforced with emails, video feedback.
Non-local students will be required to have a complete set of Rally Novice signs.
To be eligible for this program dogs must have a basic understanding of the following commands:
Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Heel
They do not need to be perfected but they do need to be known by the dog.
Handlers need to be dedicated to accomplishing their goals.
This is an 8 to 10 session course.
A meet and evaluation is required in advance.
If interested in this program: