I am accepting 2 students for Rally Competition Training Spring '25
I am accepting 2 students for Rally Competition Training Spring '25
Signed in as:
Piper completed her CA title with 3 perfect runs.
Finished with a perfect score and 1st place
Archer has finished all of his titles with straight runs.
Archer in a Honda car commercial. He is the 3rd dog I've had in film or television commercials. I have had 7 dogs in print advertising for magazines and newspapers.
A good fitness program combined with an appropriate diet are keys to health, longevity and the ability to be competitive in the many sports we successfully compete in.
My dogs are competitive in the Conformation ring, Rally, Obedience, Lure Coursing, Fast Cat, Barn Hunt, Earth Dog, Upland hunting and Dock Diving.
I believe that a good part of the success in the training for these events and the competitions comes from my dogs being on a proper diet and fitness program; giving them a competitive edge and the ability to go all day.
We offer tailored fitness programs for companion dogs, competition hopefuls and competitors.
Obedience Novice through Open
(CD - CDX)
I have trained and titled multiple dogs in AKC Obedience.
Consistently in the ribbons and many 1st placements.
Rally training Novice through Excellent
Bruno (pictured) is one of the client dogs I have trained and titled in AKC Rally.
I have trained and titled multiple dogs of my own and those of others in AKC Rally up through RE, consistently in the ribbons and many 1st placements.
I train and compete in AKC Earth Dog and BHA Barn Hunt with consistent results and High in Trials, and AWTA competitions.
Titling in Earth Dog and Barn Hunt Novice through Senior
And receiving several CoG from the AWTA
Specializing in spaniel breeds; training for companion and competitive hunters.
I hunt over my own dogs as well as successfully compete in AKC Upland hunt tests with both spaniels and retrievers.
I ran the first Labradors to receive passes on AKC JH-U titles in Colorado.