I am accepting 2 students for Rally Competition Training Spring '25
I am accepting 2 students for Rally Competition Training Spring '25
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ByteTags are the new evolution in dog tags, with a simple QR code that you control, it can be scanned by anyone, anywhere with a cell phone and pull up all of the information you've chosen to share about your dog.
The offered contact list has no limit on the number of people you can add and with the tap to call on scan, it is as easy as it gets for a finder to call.
And when scanned, you will get a real time message telling you of the exact location of your dog at the time of scan.
No batteries to worry about, no fees or dues to pay; the only out of pocket expense you will ever have is the purchase of the tag and the price is less than what you pay for most engraved tags.
You can update and change any or all information on a ByteTag at any time from your account on a laptop or your cell phone.
You can even upload a photo of your dog and change it as need be.
When your tag(s) arrive, simply scan the QR code and set up the tag.
ByteTags are an added layer of protection even with microchips, when a finder can not take the dog to a vet to be scanned or on holidays and weekends - they can scan them where they are and contact you with a tap of the finger while you are also being notified of their exact location.